Are you planning to travel to Jodhpur this holiday season?

Do you have your itinerary yet?

If you are unsure about your itinerary in jodhpur and are looking for various fun activities that you could do in this beautiful city, this blog will help you with ideas to add to your bucket list while you are in Jodhpur.

  1. Start your day with a trek and watch the sunrise

Morning trekking in Jodhpur

Jodhpur’s beauty lies in its rocky hills and various trekking trails that are still lesser-known by the majority of the tourists. Start your day off with a thrilling trek on one of the trekking trails. Don’t follow a set trail, feel free to make your own route through the rocks. Reach the highest point before sunrise wherever you are and watch the blue city illuminate in the hues of red, orange, and yellow.

  1. Explore the Glorious History of Jodhpur

Galrious jodhpur

Visit the Fort, Jaswant Thada, and the Ummaid Bhawan Museum and learn about the history of Jodhpur and the Marwari reign. You can get insights into the lifestyle and livelihoods of the locals during the Maharaja’s reign, as well as the lifestyle, culture, and traditions of the royal family just by visiting these information-rich spots in Jodhpur. Hire a taxi in Jodhpur or a Car hire in Jodhpur to make your travel smooth and hassle-free from one location to another.

  1. Visit Ghantaghar and take a walk through the city


The grand clock tower is one of the most visited locations in Jodhpur. Visit Ghantaghar in the morning time and walk through the narrow streets of the city. You can explore the blue neighborhoods and spot some hidden gems in the city while trying some of the best street foods here. While exploring you can talk to the locals and learn various anecdotes and folktales about the city and the culture here.

  1. Explore your inner self at the Vipassana Centre

The best way to make the most of your week outside your home is not to roam around, but to roam inside of your own self. Enroll in a week-long meditation program at the Vipassana center and experience the world like never before. Explore the inner depths of your mind and learn to manifest your goals into your life. If you are looking for peace and comfort, this is the place you should be visiting. You can easily find a Taxi in Jodhpur to reach the Vipassana Centre.

  1. Explore the religious places in Jodhpur

religious place

The people of Jodhpur are very dedicated to their religion and deities. Each street in Jodhpur has a temple or worship place of a different deity or God. Here you will find temples that are new and old, ancient, or just raw made up of nothing but stones and straw. Exploring the religion in the city and the religious thoughts and practices of the locals is an adventure of its own.

  1. Explore the Flora and Fauna in the city

Flora and fauna

If you are one of those nature enthusiasts, Jodhpur is the perfect place to explore the desert flora and fauna in the city life. You can spot various species of migratory birds around the lakes, visit Desert Park or Mandore to find various plants and animals in the region. You can also visit Machiya Park or Ummaid Park to get a glimpse of various wildflowers and local species that grow here.

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