Even though there are multiple sightseeing locations in Jaisalmer, The Golden Fort, also known as the Sonar Quila, is the most popular tourist site here. Tourists from all over the world visit Jaisalmer just to get a glimpse of this Fort in all its glory and royalty.

Jaisalmer Fort

Even though the Fort is world-famous, a lot of people visiting Jaisalmer are unaware of various fascinating facts about it. Let us learn some of the lesser-known and underappreciated facts about Jaisalmer Fort.

  • The Jaisalmer Fort is recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Site, along with only five other forts in Rajasthan, under the group ‘Hill Forts of Rajasthan’.

  • The Fort was built by Rawal Jaisal in 1156 CE who was a Bhati ruler in Jaisalmer during the time when he founded the capital city of Jaisalmer under his regime.

  • The architecture of Jaisalmer Fort is a unique blend of Muslim and Rajput architectural style, following the rulers which have had been ruling here in the past.

  • The Hill on which the fort is built is called Trikuta Hill. The construction of this Fort began with the aim of building a small mud fort. But the predecessors of Raja Jaisal constructed it into the huge Fort that it is today.

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  • The construction of Jaisalmer Fort was prophesized by Lord Krishna. It is believed that Rawal Jaisal was a descendant of Yaduvansh. And Krishna had written a prophecy on a rock that a descendant from the Yaduvansh will build his kingdom on the Trikuta Hill. The prophecy was fulfilled by Rawal Jaisal who built Sonar Quila on Trikuta Hill and declared Jaisalmer as the capital city of his kingdom.

  • In 1295 CE, the Fort stood witness to its very first act of Jauhar by the women of the Fort when it was attacked by Aladdin Khilji. This act of self-immolation was committed by the women to avoid their fate at the hands of Muslim rulers of the Khilji dynasty who captured the Fort during the attack and reigned for eight years until he was defeated.

  • One of the key features of Jaisalmer Fort is that its walls are built in layers. The walls cover the Palace inside the fort in 3 layers. These 3 layers were built as means of defensive layers for the safety of the king, queen, and the royal family living inside the fort.

  • There is a total of 56 bastons built all around the fort during the reconstruction by King Jets. More bastons were added by the later rulers. As of today, Jaisalmer Fort has about 100 bastons on its outer walls built by the subsequent rulers in an attempt to defend the fort from frequent attacks.

Jaisalmer Fort has been a center of attraction for people visiting Jaisalmer. Tourists hire a Taxi in Jodhpur or a car Rental in Rajasthan, especially to visit the Fort. In fact, they hire a taxi in Jaisalmer not just for visiting the fort itself, but also the various nearby attractions in the city. Close to the Fort, as well as inside the fort itself, there are also various temples to visit in Jaisalmer.

The Fort has also been a crucial part of the cultural heritage of Rajasthan. Various things related to the fort gives us an insight into the fort’s past and the lifestyle of the royal families who resided here. There is a lot to explore about it for those who are interested in knowing more.

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